Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Very Sweet Girl

What can I say... you are becoming sweeter and sweeter each day. You like to put your arm around my neck and say, "I love you, Mommy. I really love you, Momma. You are my best friend!" several times a day. You do that with your little kisses and big hugs. You continue to melt my heart!

Yesterday, you called me from your bedroom out of the blue while I was cleaning our master's bedroom, saying, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Jesus is our God!" You said that over and over again. I had to say, "Yes, Sweetheart. He is our God." I knew right there that God used your little heart and voice to remind me that He is our God. He is worthy of all praise and worship and thanksgiving!

The other night, while getting ready to sleep, I asked you why you always wanted to sleep in our bed when you have a very beautiful princess canopy bed... your very own bed in your very own bedroom. Your answer convinced me that no matter how long you can sleep with daddy and me in our bed. You said, "Because I always miss you, Mommy and Daddy... because (that's why) I want to be with you always. I love you mommy and daddy!" That really touched our hearts.

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